Are you a weightlifter? Do you enjoy lifting weights and working out? If so, it's important that you know the common weightlifting injuries and how you can prevent them.
This blog post will explore and discuss some of the most common weightlifting injuries and offer tips on preventing them. Keep reading for more information!
How To Prevent Lifting Injuries
Disc Herniation
Regarding weightlifting injuries, the most common among them is Disc Herniation. To decrease your chances of sustaining such an injury, ensure you're consistently maintaining a posture that keeps your low back in its natural curve.
An easy way to ensure that you're doing this correctly? Stand up straight and press your body firmly against a wall; if there's a bit of a natural arch in your lower back area, then you know you're on the right track.
Keeping this same curvature during your weightlifting workouts will prevent any serious and unnecessary harm!
IT Band Syndrome
IT Band Syndrome is a common weightlifting injury that can be quite troublesome.
To help ensure you don't get it, check your form and line up your knees with your toes during exercises. Keeping those hips neutral is especially important for exercises like running or one-legged movements.
Furthermore, if you want to protect yourself from IT Band Syndrome, then make sure to add some Glute strengthening exercises into your workout routine to help stiffen up the muscles and keep everything in balance.
Weightlifting is an excellent way to stay healthy and build strength, but like most physical activities, it comes with its risks.
One injury to be aware of is the SLAP Tear, which is the short form for Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior. This injury commonly occurs from acute trauma or repetitive motions like throwing or overhead lifting.
The importance of proper form should never be taken for granted, as this can mean the difference between a successful workout and an injury requiring medical attention.
Pay attention to any pain you may feel during exercise, especially if you are doing overhead or throw-related movements so that you don't find yourself laid up due to a SLAP Tear.
SLAP Tear injuries can be avoided if you take the necessary steps during warm-up, such as stretching and mobilizing for an increased range of motion and decreased inflammation. Make sure that any movements you make do not produce pain - focus on proper form when doing any upper body exercise, with shoulders away from the ears and down in a neutral position.
And while strengthening your muscles can help avoid injury, some exercises may increase the risk of a tear due to their being too advanced or strenuous.
Consider taking rest days to maintain balance and focus on lightweight acceleration exercises like sled pushes and pulls.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow can be an incredibly irritating injury caused by weightlifting if you're not careful, but it is not a major issue if you know how to prevent it.
To prevent it, adding heavy gripping exercises into your warm-up routine can make all the difference.
Farmer's carries are a great example of this - they will help you keep your grip strong and steady, and they even offer some cardio benefits, too, so why wouldn't you want to try them?
So force yourself to grab those hand weights; a few minutes of extra effort and preparation may save you from months of pain down the line.
Hamstring Pulls
Lifting weights can be a simple and effective way to boost your health and fitness, but it brings certain risks. One of the common risks is a hamstring pull.
This can cause a sudden, searing pain in the back of your thigh, most likely caused by explosive activities like sprinting or jumping, which put too much pressure on all those muscles.
To avoid this unpleasant injury, you should take some time to complete a thorough warm-up before starting any heavier sets.
Remember that drills like accelerations are just as important as basic exercises like squats and deadlifts. Taking the time to prepare your body for exercise will pay off in the long run!
Achilles Tendonitis
Weightlifting is an excellent way to get in shape, build strength, and prevent injury. However, it would help if you remained aware of the injuries that can occur from weightlifting so we may take steps to prevent them.
One such common injury is Achilles tendonitis, mainly indicated by pain in the back part of your heel extending up to your Achilles tendon.
To help avoid this injury, consider stretching your ankles and calves regularly, especially before any form of running or exercises similar to those posed by squats.
Taking some time for simple stretches before exercising can save you from great pain down the line!
Patellar Tendonitis
Weightlifting can benefit strength and overall health, but with any physical activity, there is always the risk of injury.
Patellar Tendonitis and its associated severe knee pain is a common sore spot for many athletes.
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this issue from occurring in the first place.
An effective tactic to prevent Patellar Tendonitis is to keep the middle of the knee in line with your second toe during every leg exercise - think squats, lunges, step-ups, and so on.
When working out, it’s important to constantly monitor where your knees track and make immediate adjustments if necessary.
Doing your best to maintain proper posture and alignment while exercising can go a long way in avoiding injuries!
To conclude
We hope you now understand a little more about weightlifting injuries and how to prevent them. While they are common, they don't have to be feared if you take the proper precautions. As always, listen to what your body says; it will tell you what it needs. Now go out there and lift something heavy!